I hope this bodes well for prompt scoring on my last two tests, one of which is scheduled two weeks from yesterday. My mantra these days is "just get 'em done!" I want my license by summer.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Another One Down
Today I received another ARE score in the mail: I passed "Building Design & Construction Systems." This was the quickest turn-around I have experienced so far with the scoring report (about five weeks).
Friday, February 13, 2009
Beijing Burning: Questioning the Starchitect
When I first heard about the fire, I thought, "Wow, even Koolhaas' buildings can burn!" The event felt like a bit of an equalizing moment and I had a very distinct "we all have to sit down to you know what, don't we" reaction. I asked myself, "is this the end of the Starchitect?"
For more than a decade now, architects like Frank Gehry, Zaha Hadid, Norman Foster, Santiago Calatrava, Renzo Piano, and Rem Koolhaas (to name a few) have been riding a wave of landmark, high-profile projects destined to transform cities in the way Bilbao was transformed by the Guggenheim. In Beijing, the new CCTV complex, for example, along with the trendy Olympic architecture we all ogled over last summer, was intended to usher China into the new millennium in the eyes of the world. Now with the burning of a landmark work of architecture by one of the world's most prestigious architects, are we supposed to think now that China is all talk? After all, we know from the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympics that China can put on quite a show when they want to, all the while controlling their very carefully-crafted "official" image. What is the official story on this one? This is a difficult event to sweep under the rug unnoticed.
It's okay, Oscar, don't be discouraged. Rem's got nothing on you! You were designing icons while he was still in diapers!
[In an curious side note to the this story, I found it interesting to find online that conspiracy theorists have been quick to point out how the fact that the structure of the Mandarin Hotel is still standing after its vigorous fire has proven that 7 World Trade Center, which collapsed during a fire hours after the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001, was "imploded." Some people just have to make trouble don't they!]
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Five Down, Two to Go
As with my other exams, I expect it will be about two months or so before I hear whether I passed or not, at which point I hope I will have completed my last two exams remaining!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Pass, Pass
This past weekend I got some very good news in the mail: I passed two more AREs! This means that, as of today, I have passed 3 of my exams (Site Planning & Design, Structural Systems, and Schematic Design), I am awaiting one score for a test I took in January, and I have 3 more tests to go. I have been diligent about following my "one test every 4 weeks" schedule and so I will be taking Building Systems next week. This keeps me on track to finish testing in April, which was my goal when I started taking the AREs in October.
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