Sunday, November 30, 2008

This Day in History: Birthday Buddies

Today is my 29th birthday. Today is also the 500th anniversary of the birth of Italian Renaissance architect Andrea Palladio (d. 19 August 1580).

Now, if an architect wanted to share a birthday with another architect, Palladio's not a shabby option.  He is one of the most well-known and influential architects of the Renaissance in Italy and is most famous for his projects in and around Venice, including the church of Il Redentore and the Villa Rotunda.

In honor of Palladio's 500th anniversary, I have decided to re-read his "Four Books On Architecture," which was first published in 1570.  I read this book for the first time in a class on Classical architecture at Georgia Tech, and it is considered a seminal work of architectural history and theory.

Happy birthday, Palladio!

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